Parent Advisory Board
The purpose of Parent Advisory Board (PAB) is to discuss various programs, events, topics, and provide input to the principal. In many ways, the PAB serves as a non-policy making “sounding board” for the principal offering a parent’s perspective on various issues and topics. Each PAB member is asked to bring comments, concerns and ideas from his or her parish to the meeting and then to bring information back to the representative groups or individuals. PAB will also provide planning and organizational help for many of the activities that are held for our students and staff.
- Serves as a sounding board and provide feedback to the principal
- Provide discussion, input and feedback on various programs, topics and issues
- Communicate to his or her parishes/individuals and serve as a communication vehicle to and from O’Gorman High School
- Participate as needed in our AdvancEd Accreditation planning and review
- Serves as our Career & Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Council
- Serve as a liaison between parents and administration
- Attend monthly meetings
- Inform appropriate parish and community members about PAB discussions and your role as a member
- Welcome new families to the Bishop O'Gorman Catholic Schools community
- Make phone calls to current freshmen families
- Assist in the freshmen recruitment process (calling O’Gorman Junior High and religious education 8th grade students throughout the fall semester)
- Pray for O’Gorman High School faculty and support staff throughout the year
- Provide snacks, lunch and dinner to teachers during parent-teacher conferences
- Organize snacks for teacher and staff during Staff Appreciation Week (1st Week in May)
If you have questions, concerns or would be interested in volunteering, please contact your parish.