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Parent Booster Groups

The O’Gorman High School Athletic Booster Club is made up of volunteers that work together to raise money to benefit over 20 O'Gorman athletics. Did you know that if you have a student involved in any O'G athletics that you are already considered a member of our Booster Club? 

The Athletic Boosters raise money throughout the year through Knight Locker sales and a variety of events like the O'Gorman Golf Classic, O'G Invite and Hoop Shoots during half-time of basketball. In 2023-2024 our Athletic Booster Club raised over $28,000! 

Check out all the great things the Athletic Booster families are doing to help our student athletes by stopping by a 1-hour meeting! Your time and talents make such a difference!

  Follow us on Facebook  
For more information on any of the events or to become an active part of the booster committee, please call 605-575-3391 or email


Buy Your
2024 - 2025 
Booster Pass! 

Purchase your booster pass at The Knight Locker online or during open hours. 

 Click here! 

Athletic Passes

FAMILY PASS: For $200, two adults and their children can gain admission to all regular season O’Gorman home athletic events.*

SINGLE PASS: For $100, one adult gains admission to all regular season O’Gorman home athletic events.*

*Booster passes do not grand admission to Dakota Bowl

Pass holders will also receive 10% off Knight Locker purchases. 


Performing Arts Passes

We are no longer printing performing arts passes. We are moving to an online ticketing platform.


Athletic Booster Dates

Performing Arts Boosters